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Digital Work: New Skills and Professions

Updated: Jan 18

"The pervasiveness of Digital Transformation is pushing organizations to develop new skills and professionalism in every business area: therefore, it is no longer a phenomenon that concerns only the IT department or Italian technology companies, but a reality for all sectors and business functions, imposing a rethinking of processes and services."
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With this statement by Marco Planzi, Associate Partner of P4I-Partners4Innovation, we can observe that today's technological evolution requires new competencies in all business areas and, consequently, to face this change, generates new professions. This does not mean that machines will replace humans, but that certain professionals will be replaced by others because they are capable of using, and especially learning to use, new technologies. However, the Digital Mismatch, the gap between the skills possessed by workers and those required by the digital world of work today, is still wide because there is not yet an adequate response in terms of university and corporate training, despite the growing demand for digital skills.

In this article, we will explore the digital hard and soft skills necessary to work in digital and the emerging professions that are shaping the future of work.

Digital Hard Skills: Technical Competencies

Quantifiable Digital Skills that go hand in hand with the development of technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, IoT, Blockchain, NFT, Social Media, Cloud.

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  • Big Data & Analysis

Data is the new oil. Knowing how to manage, process, and analyze it is essential to help businesses make decisions.

  • Cybersecurity

With the increase in online threats, the growing dependence on data and artificial intelligence, basic cybersecurity skills have become essential not only for experts in the field, but for anyone operating online.

  • Social Media, Digital & Web Marketing

The ability to manage communication through multiple digital channels such as Social Media, Digital Marketing, and Web Marketing to reach and engage the audience.

  • Programming, Software Development, and AI

Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Robotics, Blockchain, Metaverse, Augmented and Virtual Reality are some of the emerging technologies that require knowledge of programming languages like Python, JavaScript, or Rust.

  • Cloud Computing

With the increasing migration to the cloud, having skills in platforms like AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure is highly demanded. This involves not only configuration but also management and optimization of cloud resources.

  • UX/UI Design

User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) are increasingly important, so understanding how users interact with platforms and designing intuitive interfaces can make the difference between a successful product and a failed one.

Digital Soft Skills: Transversal Competencies

Skills that are not learned in school or at work, but depend on culture, personality, and individual experience.

Mano per indicare le competenze trasversali
  • Openness to Change

In a rapidly evolving world, the ability to quickly adapt to new tools and methodologies is necessary.

  • Problem Solving and Critical Thinking

The ability to solve problems effectively, both technical and interpersonal, is key to overcoming obstacles and achieving goals.

  • Team Working and Communication

The ability to work in a team and communicate effectively is essential, especially in global and virtual work environments.

  • Creative Thinking

Creativity is an increasingly appreciated human skill, especially when it comes to finding innovative solutions to problems.

  • Knowledge Networking

The ability to navigate, research, filter, evaluate, develop, integrate, reprocess, manage, and share information found online.

  • Self Empowerment

The knowledge necessary to master digital tools to solve problems independently and through a conscious use of digital tools.

  • Emotional and Digital Intelligence (EQ + DQ)

Understanding and processing emotions - both one's own and others' - is important, especially in a virtual environment, like on social media or virtual communication platforms.

Some of the New Professions in Digital Work

Today's digital work, therefore, requires a combination of tangible technical skills, with which to create, manage, and innovate, and transversal skills useful for navigating today's complex world.

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  • Software Engineer

Professionals who apply principles and techniques of engineering, mathematics, and computer science to the design, development, and testing of computer software applications.

  • Big Data Developer and Data Scientist

Roles dedicated to developing tools, solutions, and processes for analyzing and managing large amounts of informational data.

  • Computer Programmer and Web Developer

Specialists capable of writing the code that allows computer applications and software programs to function correctly.

  • AI Specialist and Prompt Engineer

A figure operating at the interface between artificial intelligence and content production. A professional who knows machine learning, programming languages, and language processing models like GPT-4.

  • Data Ethicist or Data Protection Officer

Guarantor of the ethical use of data and technologies. This figure has become increasingly important with the advent of GDPR and other privacy regulations, as it deals with the organization of data processing to preserve its integrity.

  • Digital Transformation Specialist

They know emerging technologies and define the necessary strategies to successfully integrate them into an organization.

  • Metaverse Architect and Designer

Experts not only with technical skills but also with a strong visionary capacity to create engaging experiences.


The complexity of the digital workforce due to technological evolution is notable, so to keep up with the times and maintain a competitive advantage in the market, it is important to invest in the professional development of one's employees.


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